Prioritise your workload

Personalised dashboard.

It's your very own dynamic to-do list.

Get started

It's a dynamic to-do list.
Just for AML.

Clear priorities

Triage the most urgent tasks with a single glance. The personalised AML dashboard comes with logically grouped tasks and next steps removing wasted time spent delving into each case and working out what to do next.

Quicker decisioning

The dashboard's additional context and insights into each task helps users make better-informed decisions based on the relevant, accurate, timely and actionable data it's surfacing from the underlying case manifests.  

Make it your own

The dashboard is tailored per user based on their role. So only relevant and actionable tasks and activities are shown, helping further focus time and efforts.

Unified case management
Consolidate all CDD data, entities, requirements and actions in one hub. No more disjointed workflows.
Structured guidance
In-built logic suggests tailored next steps for each case. No more unstructured processes.
Holistic visibility
Visual indicators give at-a-glance status. No more wondering if your client has responded or a problem has occurred.

Do it once, do it right.

Let’s talk about your compliance process.